Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Where is Osama bin Laden?

Where is Osama bin Laden?
Where is Osama bin Laden?and what would be your plan, to get him? In studying the events of 9-11, and learning about Afghanistan, the Taliban, Al Qaida, radical Islamists and Osama bin Laden, where do you think bin Laden is hiding?

In this assignment provide an educated guess stating where you think OBL is. Be sure to provide background information to substantiate your opinion. Additionally, propose a plan" "My Plan to find bin Laden" Undercover, Navy Seals, Laura Croft? Rambo? "Nuke the joint?" mass invasion, massbombing???or any other idea


jhay simon said...

where is bin Laden?

knowing osama bin laden is the most notorious terrorist leader in the world, millions of people in the world cant seem to find him at all. first i beleive that osama bin laden is hiding in Pakistan, which is right beside the country of afghanistan. my reason for believing he is in pakistan is because he has many terrorist allies that will hide his identity, and when september 11 happened he couldve just drove to paskistan instead of flying somewhere else.

my second reason for beleiving he is hiding in paskistan is because the boarder of pakistan is a series of mountain ranges, therefore bin laden can be hiding up in teh mountains watching if people cross the afghanistan boarder going towards pakistan.

bin laden is worth about $300 000 and this means that he has many connections between people. with alot of money he can bribe people in pakistan not to say a word to the us government that are trying to capture him, one more reason is that the usa has an agreement with paskistan stating, that the usa military will not invade pakistan to look for bin laden.

my plan to cature osama bin laden is to get a secret agent who is middle eastern man. he works with the cia, he has many years or miltary training, and combat taning. he goes to pakistan and goes to a pakistan al'qeada bar. there he gets recruited by one of bin ladens recruiter. he accpets the invitation and goes to a high moutain near the coast of afghanistan where bin landen is. for many moneth of suiced, terrorist training he get a mission where he had to bomb the us ebassey, he quickly tells the cia and tell them to evacuate the whole building. then he sets a bomb and blows up teh embassey. without people sayingthing the alqeada members think that many people had died. from here the secret agent tells the cia where bin laden is. they have a blue print from the world satilite and design a plan where it surrounds teh whole entire mountain. they plan to capture him at night at about 2 am so that bin laden is sleeping, and catch him off gaurd. silent helicopter come from each direction dropping 100 us military men. they turn on their night vison and put on their silencers for their guns. they one by one assassinate bin ladens troops that try to gaurd the mountain. once they kill everyone but bin laden they surround his cave. they throw in a gas where he gets knocked out. they grab him as quickly as possible and fly him back to the usa. once he reaches the usa he is brought to jail.

okay done 2 blogs..one more to go =D

Anonymous said...

I believe that we cannot find Osama Bin Laden because he hiding in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is the Laden empire. Even though everyone thinks that his family disowned him how do we really know
that is the truth. Osama Bin Laden grew up in Saudi Arabia so he has friends who have supported him since he was a kid who also live in Saudi Arabia too. He still has citizenship there so if he went there he would most likely be able to enter into the country. Obviously Osama has followers in Saudi Arabia because 15 of the suicide bombers related to the attacks of September 11th were from Saudi Arabian citizens. The facts are clear to me as if it is written on paper right in front of me and these are only some of the reasons why I think that Osama is hiding in Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia and the United States have special relations to each other , they both share many of the same opinions on issues like regional security, sustainable development and oil exports and imports. Saudi Arabia is the United States prime source and biggest trading partner for oil. Evidently George Bush may not even be looking for Osama for Bush is friends with the Laden family who funded him when he needed help before he became president. Not only was the Laden family aloud to fly in jet planes the following days of September 11th while everyone else was restricted from using the planes, the family was not even questioned or interviewed about the whereabouts of Osama which makes me highly concerned. Right now George Bush distracting the world away from Saudi Arabia, telling us that Osama Bin Laden is hiding is in other countries like Afghanistan, Iraq or Pakistan.
If I was a terrorist I would go home to my family and friends who would never turn there backs on me no matter what I did. I would know that my family would stay by my side and cover up whatever needed to be covered up. It is really a coincidence that Saudi Arabia has invested billions in the US economy. Why trigger the hand that feeds you, why not accuse false fugitives as long as someone pays for the deaths of September 11th. It does not matter who takes the blame as long as someone does.
Saudi Arabia is a very fairly big country it is slightly bigger than the United states so Osama Bin Laden would have a variety of places to hide. Along the south there are rugged mountains that are said to contain caves where he may be hiding now since they run underground connecting to different cities in and out of Saudi Arabia. I would say Saudi Arabia would be a perfect place for him to hide because if he happened to be informed of any problems all he had to do is escape to the caves.
The geography of Saudi Arabia not the only reason why Saudi Arabia would be a perfect place for him to disappear, it would be difficult for people to seek him out for just as him 90% of the countries population is Arab. He would look similar to everyone else of that ethnicity. Saudi Arabia is a very wealthy country because of there oil therefore they can influence many people to hide information from the government, if they happened to ask questions regarding Osama Bin Laden (not that they are asking any questions concerning Osama).
It is very capable that Osama is hiding in Saudi Arabia with him family where he has many followers and people who hate the west as much as he does. It would be easy to find refuge in a place were people like you and believe in your ideas. Obviously they would hide you and do whatever it took to keep the United States from finding you especially if they did not like the United States or George Bush.